Good practices to follow while working for a Data Science Role
3 min readApr 7, 2021
Recently I was placed for the role of Data Science Intern while working there I realized some things, and I would like to share this with you as It might come in handy and make your life much easier
- Document Everything: This is the most basic and the most important thing any working professional will tell you irrespective of the field. A lot of the times as a fresher you forget to document things you did, for example, you were training a classification model, and to improve its accuracy you trained the model for a longer epoch, make sure to note the accuracy, loss, parameters and other metrics for the previous epochs because that is a good comparison metric for your new model when you present it to the client or your manager.
- GUI: When you are giving a demo to a client a lot of the times he/she may not be from a computer background and will have no clue what your code is doing, so instead of editing a variable and demonstrating the script you can create a simple web-based GUI for it, you can use tools like streamlit, Flask, PyWebIO, etc. This takes sometimes little to no effort but makes the presentation more appealing and shows that you are really into the product.
- Never Say No to Opportunites: When you work in the data science field you sometimes get to work on a domain that you aren’t familiar with, but because of that don’t just “No” to the task, discuss it with your manager and let him/her know your level of expertise on that particular technology, they will in a lot of cases let you work on it and also provide some resources that will help learn it easily.
- Communication is the Key: Communicate things with your managers, teammates, trust me it will make your life easier if you have an idea share it with your manager get what is his point of view on it, discuss it with your teammates, they might give you suggestions which might actually help you improve it, or it might be useful to someone else in their project.
- It is okay to say No: If you have a lot on your plate and you are asked to do another task don’t be shy to say “No”, it is okay to reject a project because you feel you will not be able to commit to it, or it might too hard to complete by yourself. Or if you have some plans on weekend and a project is assigned to you, feel free to say No your employer is not going to eat you.
- Be open to learning: A lot of yours might be self-learners and might be will be learning new technologies if you find a technology that you are learning and interested try to learn it and then discuss it with them, they might teach you somethings that you might not know. Or if you are having a hard time understanding where to start learning a technology you can ask someone who has significant experience in it to help you with a road map. On the same topic don’t be hesitant to ask your juniors as well, asking to learn from someone younger does not make you any less plus it bridges the communication gap as well.
- Be Courteous: Last but not the least, being a good person does not cost anything, one thing I personally would say before working on a project would be, “I hope we can make a great team and provide amazing results, looking forward to working with you” and after a project, “You have been an amazing teammate, I wish you the best of success”, trust me words of compliments from a teammate after a project always makes your day.
These are some of my experiences, if you have any be sure to let me know in the comments. Feel free to check me out on LinkedIn.